Suddenly, the world woke up from its slumber and everyone is hungry for damn good content. We are excitingly in the content-age and it is never going out of fashion.
There has never been any time like this that the world has keenly appreciated the role of content in brand communication and business development, even though content is as old as the earth itself. Thanks to the social media that escalated the relevance in the capacity to engage, connect, convert, and build equity. The world today is having conversation more than any time in the history; and billions of interactions are made every second. This, truly, is an interesting time to be alive, and content is at the heart of it all. A survey reveals that 87% of future brand and business managers will have strong competency not only in digital marketing but content creation and management; while another 43% will build their careers in content-related fields; knowing that content is at the forefront of building businesses, creating interactions, triggering conversations, changing perceptions, shaping narratives, and curating communities.
As education deepens globally and literacy level grows, more people become more influenced by what they read, see and hear. All these influences what they do and hence trigger conversations and grow the level of content out there. Even as the future comes a day at a time, content will continue to change shapes and forms, adapting from age to age [like from stone age through the information age]. Content will always be an on-going concern due to its fluidity, adaptability and malleability. Josh Clark sees content as water: ‘put water into a cup and it becomes the cup; put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle; put water in a teapot and it becomes the tea pot’. That shows content adapting to various circumstances, situations, and experiments; just like gold or silver fitting into fashion accessories, home furniture, kitchen wares, and automobiles. The vibe is when a concept can easily change form and structure to fit into different channels and circumstances, there’s probably a future in it. So as the world moves to fully embrace cohabitation with robotics and AI, content would definitely take a new form. However, are we ready?