The Steve’s Apple

Today for the umpteenth time, I saw iPhone 14 Pro Max and shook my head in disbelief. That phone is damn ugly. I muttered. Compared to, say, the similarly sized Huawei P30, the iPhone 11 – 14 Pro is fatter, bigger, heavier, with a huge fugly notch. Apple seemed to have deviated from the Steve-instilled design ideology. If Steve Jobs were to be alive, iPhone will never have three cameras. Never! In fact, Steve would have completely removed the cameras from the phone and blanked the entire back of the phone to a smooth shiny surface with tiny but unseen dots of infrared cameras which only become activated when turned on. Or turn the entire back to an unseen luminous camera. Worst case scenario, he would hide the camera inside the monochrome logo at the back. Steve is that sleek. A genius! But things have changed in Apple, its new iPhones – front, back, and sideways – are ugly. The notch in the front technically means more raw screen space that accommodates the carrier and battery icons, and for unlocking the phone with a face. Great functionality, but the sleek expected of that front isn’t just there, and its disappointing that Apple engineers are unable to figure it out [even though some less popular, lowly placed, and lowly-priced Asian phone brands had achieved that]. The back is ugly too.  Man, why on earth would iPhone have a huge rear bump in the name of cameras? A huge, chunky combination of soft squares and weirdly arranged circles — five of them! That hunchback and the holes completely destroyed the phone’s DNA of sleekness.  And the sides of the phone are fatter, bumpier, chunkier, and ugly.  These would have been permitted 10 years ago but not in 2022. Apple forgot about good design a long time ago and iPhone has nothing new for a long time now. Any supposedly “new” thing about iPhone is a copy of other devices. Their design “improvements” are not really an improvement, just a change that has no real impact on how “sleek” they are. Apple seems to have lost it in terms of design, exploiting the human weakness of peer pressure and prestige to lock the customers into their limited system (lack of freedom, easy to optimize limited system). Apple really needs Steve again.  We need him to come back.


A content revolutionist in Yellopad.

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Picture of Victorrr


A content revolutionist in Yellopad.
Picture of Victorrr


A content revolutionist in Yellopad.

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